Marketing with OTT: Best Practices and Strategies

5 minutes

Over-The-Top (OTT) video platforms deliver content directly to viewers over the internet, bypassing traditional cable and satellite television. Platforms like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, and others have become immensely popular, offering unique opportunities for marketers to reach a broad and engaged audience. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to effectively market with OTT video platforms, including insights on which age demographics typically watch which platforms.

Understanding the Audience


  • Netflix: Predominantly attracts millennials and Gen Z (ages 18-34), with a significant portion of its audience being tech-savvy and inclined towards binge-watching.
  • Hulu: Popular among millennials and Gen X (ages 25-44), especially those looking for a mix of live TV and on-demand content.
  • Amazon Prime Video: Appeals broadly across various age groups but sees significant engagement from adults aged 35-54, often leveraging Amazon’s e-commerce ecosystem.
  • Disney+: Dominates the younger demographic (ages 4-18) due to its vast library of family-friendly content, with parents in the 25-44 age range also heavily engaged.

Behavioral Data:

  • Analyze viewing patterns, preferences, and engagement levels to tailor marketing messages effectively.

Ad Formats

  • In-Stream Ads: Traditional video ads that play before, during, or after the content. They can be skippable or non-skippable.
  • Interactive Ads: Allow viewers to interact with the content, such as clicking for more information or participating in a poll.
  • Branded Content: Collaborate with OTT platforms to create branded shows or segments that integrate your product or service organically.
  • Overlay Ads: Static or dynamic ads that appear over the video content without interrupting the viewing experience.

Targeting Capabilities

  • Behavioral Targeting: Leverage data on user behavior and preferences to deliver personalized ads.
  • Geographic Targeting: Use location data to target viewers in specific regions or cities.
  • Demographic Targeting: Target ads based on user profiles, including age, gender, and interests.

Measurement and Analytics

  • View-Through Rate (VTR): Measures how many viewers watched the ad to completion.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): Tracks the number of viewers who clicked on an interactive ad.
  • Conversion Rate: Measures how many viewers took a desired action after viewing the ad, such as visiting a website or making a purchase.
  • Engagement Metrics: Includes likes, shares, comments, and other interactions indicating viewer engagement.

Content Marketing

  • Product Placement: Integrate products naturally into the content to increase brand visibility.
  • Sponsored Content: Partner with OTT platforms to create original content that subtly promotes your brand.
  • Influencer Collaborations: Work with influencers or content creators on OTT platforms to reach their dedicated followers.

Programmatic Advertising

  • Automated Buying: Use programmatic platforms to automate the purchase of ad space, ensuring efficient and targeted ad placement.
  • Real-Time Bidding: Participate in auctions for ad space in real-time, allowing for dynamic and flexible ad campaigns.

Case Studies and Success Stories

  • Netflix: Brands like Coca-Cola and Nike have successfully integrated their products into popular Netflix shows, leading to increased brand awareness and sales.
  • Hulu: Hulu’s ad-supported model offers various ad formats, including binge-watching ads that reward viewers for watching multiple episodes with fewer commercials.
  • Amazon Prime Video: Brands can leverage Amazon’s vast e-commerce data to target viewers with highly relevant ads, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

Challenges and Considerations

  • Ad Fatigue: Excessive or repetitive ads can lead to viewer fatigue. Balance ad frequency to maintain a positive viewer experience.
  • Ad Blockers: Some viewers use ad-blocking software. Ensure that your ads are engaging and relevant to encourage viewers to disable blockers.
  • Content Relevance: Ads must be contextually relevant to the content being viewed to maximize impact.

Participating in Ad Auctions

Amazon Prime Video

  1. Set Up an Amazon Advertising Account: Sign up for an Amazon Advertising account and request access to Amazon DSP.
  2. Define Your Advertising Goals: Determine your campaign objectives and set a budget.
  3. Audience Targeting: Use Amazon’s customer data to define your target audience.
  4. Create Your Campaign: Log in to Amazon DSP, set up your campaign, and choose the ad formats.
  5. Ad Creation: Develop video ads that meet Amazon’s specifications and compliance guidelines.
  6. Bid Strategy: Set your bid amounts, using options like CPM or CPC.
  7. Launch and Monitor Your Campaign: Launch your campaign and use Amazon DSP’s analytics tools to track performance.
  8. Optimize and Adjust: Regularly review performance data and adjust your targeting, bid strategy, and creative content.
  9. Reporting: Generate detailed reports from Amazon DSP to understand campaign effectiveness.


  1. Create an Account: Sign up for Hulu’s advertising platform.
  2. Choose Ad Format: Select from video ads, interactive ads, and sponsorships.
  3. Set Budget and Schedule: Determine your budget and campaign duration.
  4. Audience Targeting: Use Hulu’s targeting options to reach specific demographics and behaviors.
  5. Ad Creation: Develop your ads following Hulu’s specifications.
  6. Bid Strategy: Set your bids for the ad auction, typically on a CPM basis.
  7. Launch Campaign: Submit your campaign for approval and launch it.
  8. Monitor and Optimize: Use Hulu’s analytics tools to track performance and make necessary adjustments.


  1. Contact Disney Ad Sales: Reach out to Disney Ad Sales directly.
  2. Define Goals and Budget: Work with a Disney representative to outline your campaign objectives and budget.
  3. Select Ad Format: Choose from available ad formats.
  4. Target Audience: Utilize Disney’s audience data for precise targeting.
  5. Create Ad Content: Develop engaging content that fits Disney+ specifications.
  6. Launch and Track: Run your campaign and use provided tools to monitor performance.


  1. Explore Partnerships: Partner with Netflix for product placements or branded content opportunities.
  2. Define Collaboration: Work with Netflix to integrate your brand into their content.
  3. Monitor Exposure: Track the performance through third-party analytics or Nielsen ratings.

Marketing with OTT video platforms requires a strategic approach that leverages the unique capabilities of each platform. By understanding the audience, utilizing advanced targeting options, measuring performance accurately, and creating engaging content, marketers can effectively reach and engage viewers in this rapidly growing digital landscape.

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